Osteoporosis and Dental Implants

Osteoporosis and Dental Implants

Dental implants can be implanted in people with osteoporosis. Whether the implant is successful depends on factors such as the amount of Jawbone density, the type of implant used, and the skill of the specialist and dentist.

In some cases, there is a need for a bone graft. If you have osteoporosis, be sure to consult your dentist before implanting.

One of the most common diseases in adults and the elderly is osteoporosis. The effects of the disease are not limited to the body’s motor system, such as the hands and feet, and often impact other associated treatments as well. On the other hand, you should know that in most cases, osteoporosis is not caused locally and usually involves the skeletal and bone structure of the body.

So it also includes the Jawbone, and the implant treatment is related to it. Now we are faced with the question, can dental implants be placed with osteoporosis?

The cost of implantation and its complete treatment is high, but ensuring that the outcome is successful and satisfactory is essential.

If a problem like osteoporosis is on the way, it is necessary to learn how to treat it and how the implant works in these conditions.

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What is osteoporosis?

Osteoporosis is characterized by decreased bone density and weakening bone tissue, making bones more fragile and prone to fractures. In this disease, with age, the loss of some vitamin and Mineral Resources, the development of various diseases, the entry into the menopausal period in women and the lungs, the bone tissue density decreases, and the so-called osteoporosis develops. When a person has this disease, their bones are at their weakest possible position, breaking with the least pressure and impact. A decrease in bone density caused by osteoporosis affects the entire skeletal system, including the Jawbone, which can be prone to injuries.

A specialist prescribes treatments and drugs to prevent osteoporosis in Old Age, including bisphosphonates.

What is the link between osteoporosis and implants?

To know if osteoporosis is a limitation on implantation, we need to examine the relationship between the two. With the development of osteoporosis in a person, the level of bone tissue density decreases. In this regard, drugs are prescribed that help a lot to reduce and postpone osteoporosis. Therefore, the implant specialist must thoroughly examine before starting treatment and take the necessary measures by checking the client’s medical condition in case of osteoporosis. There is a wide variety of medications for the treatment of osteoporosis, and the medication should be appropriate to the conditions of the Jawbone. Some drugs have different functions.

Studies on implant procedures for patients with osteoporosis indicate successful outcomes, showing no significant conflicts between implants and osteoporosis. However, the implant specialist’s ability level, knowledge, experience, and equipment are very effective. Suppose the whole treatment process is done well due to the irritability of bone tissue that develops in the jaw area. In that case, an increase in bone density will occur in some cases, and the jawbone conditions will improve.

In what cases is implantation not recommended?

Medical theories examined and the existing conditions for the jawbones of people with osteoporosis indicate no limit to implantation. So, there can be no reason not to undergo implant surgery alone. Surgery is not recommended when the disease is located alongside other diseases in the person, and the implant specialist does not consider the treatment appropriate for the client’s health. Among these are:

  • If a person has a history of heart attack
  • If a person has had an artificial heart valve surgery
  • If a person has acute kidney disease,
  • The presence of hormonal disorders in a person
  • The presence of diabetes in a person of a treatment-resistant type and the impossibility of stabilizing blood sugar levels
  • The presence of a soft bone disease in a person with the impossibility of treatment
  • A person’s severe addiction to tobacco
  • A person’s severe addiction to alcoholic beverages and chemicals
  • Long-term users of the oral drug bisphosphonate
  • Long-term users of the injectable drug bisphosphonate

Impact of Osteoporosis In Dental Implants

Dental Implants in people with osteoporosis have challenges that can affect the success of this process due to changes in bone density and structure. Osteoporosis reduces bone strength and affects the functioning and durability of Dental Implants. The following are the factors that influence the success of dental implants in people with osteoporosis:

Factors influencing the success of dental implants in people with osteoporosis

Jaw bone density and quality: one of the most critical factors in implantation success is sufficient bone density to maintain the implant. In people with osteoporosis, bone density decreases, reducing the bone’s ability to support implants. Bone quality (especially in the upper jaw) also directly affects the initial stability of the implant and the post-implant healing process.

Initial implant stability during implantation: initial stability means the proper and constant placement of the implant in the bone at the moment of implantation. In people with osteoporosis, there is a possibility of reducing this stability, which can increase the risk of implant failure. To mitigate this risk, it is necessary to use special surgical techniques or specially designed implants.

Medicinal treatments: Various drugs are used to treat osteoporosis, some of which can affect implantation. For example, bisphosphonates prescribed to increase bone density increase the risk of bone necrosis (the death of bone tissue), negatively affecting wound healing and implant success. The patient’s medicinal condition should be carefully checked before implantation.

Age of the patient and overall health: Although osteoporosis is usually more common in older people, age alone is not a factor in the success of the implant. What’s more important is the general condition of the bones and the patient’s health. Elderly patients with low bone density can still enjoy the benefits of implants, provided appropriate procedures are used.

Surgical procedures and implant design can significantly impact success in people with osteoporosis. In some cases, larger implants or implants in areas where the Jawbone is more robust are recommended. These patients also offer minimally invasive surgical techniques to reduce stress on the bone.

Post-implant recovery and follow-up: Post-implant recovery can be longer in patients with osteoporosis. Therefore, careful care after surgery and regular follow-up with the dentist are essential. Patients should also adhere to the dentist’s health and dietary recommendations to ensure the long-term success of the implant.

Use of new technologies: In recent years, new technologies such as unique surface-coated implants (to increase bone contact levels) and advanced imaging technologies for careful surgical planning have contributed to the tremendous success of dental implants in people with osteoporosis. These techniques can increase the implant’s stability and reduce the likelihood of failure.

Implants in people with osteoporosis have challenges, but successful results can be achieved with proper management, selection of appropriate surgical procedures and implants, and careful follow-up after surgery. A thorough examination of the patient’s condition and coordination with various specialists (such as general practitioners and orthopedists) is also essential to minimize side effects caused by medications or general bone conditions.

Can Dental Implants be Placed with Osteoporosis?

After tooth extraction, the jaw is analyzed due to the pressure applied to the gums during eating and feeding. If a person has osteoporosis, the jaw analysis rate is much higher, and as time passes, conditions become unsuitable for implantation. Therefore, the best recommendation of the implant specialist is that if there is no specific disease or problem, the implant should be performed immediately after tooth extraction to prevent jaw and gum bone breakdown.

If the tooth is removed for a long time and the implant is not done, side treatments and repair of the Jawbone for implantation will be needed.

What is the Prevention of osteoporosis and its degeneration?

Osteoporosis is not localized and occurs throughout the body, so the best way to prevent osteoporosis and osteoporosis is to prevent osteoporosis. In most cases, osteoporosis is not a barrier to the treatment of implants. However, it slows the treatment process, makes the treatment conditions more sensitive, increases the patient’s anxiety, and … so by preventing osteoporosis, you can significantly prevent all these obstacles and problems. To do this, the following must be observed:

  • Increased levels of physical and physical activity of a healthy type
  • Putting a proper exercise program for health on a regular and standard basis
  • A healthy diet that includes the most critical needs of the body and does not encounter a specific vitamin deficiency. Be sure to include it in the dairy and vegetable diet.
  • Eliminating drug use in its various forms
  • No alcoholic beverages or drinks
  • Not consuming too much soda, tea, beer, and …
  • Maintain oral hygiene at the highest possible level with the help of flossing, brushing, and mouthwash.

What are the best ways to do dental implants in people with osteoporosis?

In cases where the specialist notices excessive osteoporosis of the Jawbone by performing examinations and determines that the bone is weak enough to perform the implant, he uses appropriate treatments to increase the Jawbone’s strength. The most important treatment in this area is bone grafting. Two sources are used to perform bone grafts:

  1. Use of bone tissue in other areas of the body
  2. Use of artificial bone

The speed of repair and recovery at the first source, using the person’s bone tissue, is much higher. However, due to the presence of osteoporosis, there may also be no conditions for receiving from the mobile parts of the body, or the tissue prepared in terms of minerals and structure may not be able to strengthen the Jawbone. Artificial resources using the required materials are the best solution in these cases. The strength and healing power of artificial bone sources are much lower.

The jaw repair and bone grafting operation provide the conditions for implantation. According to the transplant results, the specialist may prescribe the implant as soon as possible or recommend it a few months after the transplant.

Aftercare for implants in people with osteoporosis

Dental implants are one of the best ways to replace missing teeth. However, in people with osteoporosis, the process of healing and stabilizing the implant may face more challenges. For this reason, post-implant care is of particular importance to these people. Here are some of the most important care and advice:

Oral hygiene is a fundamental and essential principle. It is necessary in people with osteoporosis after implantation. These people should brush twice daily, use floss or appropriate tools to clean the spaces between their teeth, and use antibacterial mouthwashes approved by their doctor.

Implant care during the recovery period for best results: In people with osteoporosis, bone and gum repair may require more time. Therefore, stiff, sticky foods that pressure the implant should be avoided. To fully heal, avoid smoking, as nicotine slows down wound healing and the bone-building process. Also, avoid sudden pressure on the implant.

Regular dental examinations guarantee implant stabilization. After implantation, regular examinations with the dentist are critical. The dentist can check the status of the implant stabilization, assess the health of the tissues around the implant, and promptly identify any signs of infection or other complications.

Osteoporosis control and management: people with osteoporosis should monitor their disease regularly. Taking medications prescribed for the disease is essential in preventing further bone loss and improving overall conditions. Drugs such as bisphosphonates and denosumab help maintain bone health but should be taken with the advice of a dentist and a specialist.

Physical activity and exercise: regular exercise can help improve bone health and prevent further bone breakdown. Exercises such as walking, yoga, and lightweight exercises are helpful. However, any intense activity that puts pressure on the implant should be avoided.

Eating a healthy diet: A balanced, nutrient-rich diet helps to improve implants faster and overall bone health. Foods such as dairy products (milk, yogurt, cheese), leafy vegetables (spinach, cabbage), and fish (especially salmon) can strengthen bones.

Post-implant care in people with osteoporosis requires special attention to oral hygiene, nutritional supplements, and regular dental examinations. Controlling osteoporosis and following the dentist’s advice can help you succeed in implantation and prevent possible complications.

Is taking osteoporosis medications harmful to oral health?

Under various conditions and treatment situations, including the presence of cancer and osteoporosis, medications are prescribed for the person, which should be taken under the direct supervision of a specialist and a doctor. If taken correctly according to the doctor’s schedule, these medications will not cause any side effects or risks to the person. However, if taken per capita, possible side effects are possible. When applying for implant treatment, it would be best to inform the implant specialist of your entire medication schedule.

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