Gum Inflammation and Treatment Methods

Gum Inflammation

Due to the continuous contact with the teeth and all kinds of food and drinks, the gums are highly exposed to allergies, pollution, and bacteria. For this reason, people should avoid any infection, inflammation, swelling, or bloating of the gums while observing oral and dental hygiene. You should know that the gum protects the tooth’s root and prevents the jawbone from decaying. Since gum infection is one of the most common oral and dental diseases, and due to a lack of attention to oral and dental health, damage, decay, and tooth fractures occur, we will examine the methods of treating gum swelling.


Bloating and swelling of the gums, also known as gingival hyperplasia or gingival hypertrophy, is the excessive and abnormal growth of gum tissues.If the areas around your teeth look abnormally large or have unusual red spots, you may be experiencing gingivitis or a gum infection. Although swollen gums are never fun, Gum inflammation is a common dental problem that can be easily treated, even at home, if caught early.

Beach Cities Dentistry

 Gum inflammation isn’t just uncomfortable (unfortunately); it can signify a severe condition. Swollen gums are vital tissues full of blood vessels, bringing oxygen and nutrients to the roots of the teeth and other parts of the mouth.In short, gum swelling is a sign of oral and dental diseases in most cases, as you might have guessed. For example, swelling of the gums strongly indicates the presence and deposition of plaque and tartar. Of course, more advanced diseases can also cause swelling of the gums

Table of Contents

What is Gum inflammation?

Gum inflammation is a common disease that can cause red and bleeding gums. It can be caused by the accumulation of plaque and tartar on the teeth. Plaque is a thin layer of bacteria that continuously forms on the teeth. If plaque is not removed, it can harden and turn into tartar, a hard deposit that is not easily removed. Tartar can irritate the gums and cause gum disease.

What is Gum inflammation?

Therefore, when plaque and mass accumulate under the gum line, Gum inflammation is associated with symptoms such as redness, swelling, and bleeding. If you see these symptoms, immediately visit Beach Cities Dentistry in Manhattan Beach for treatment.

Why does the gum swell?

Failure to use a toothbrush and floss properly is the leading cause of swollen gums. Some form plaque between the teeth and gums when food and drinks are eaten. If these plaques are not cleaned daily by brushing and flossing, they gradually harden, separating the gum tissue from the teeth. All kinds of bacteria, plaque, and tartar penetrate this space, and people frequently get infection and inflammation of the gums and witness swelling of the gums for a long time.

 It is worth noting that this swelling is painful in many cases, and the patient will feel very uncomfortable when eating and drinking. This disease occurs as a result of smoking, improper nutrition, non-observance of oral and dental hygiene, some diseases, drug side effects, etc.

What are the leading causes of gum inflammation?

In addition to lack of attention or neglect of oral hygiene, other reasons cause swelling of the gums. Among the main and most important of them, the following can be mentioned:

  • Smoking or chewing edible tobacco, as well as drinking alcohol, affects the body’s defense mechanism.
  • Improper nutrition, including the use of carbohydrates and sugary substances, as well as lack of vitamin C
  • Lack of saliva and dry mouth
  • Improper dental restorations that cause gum irritation and inflammation.
  • Crooked and overlapped teeth, as well as hidden and semi-hidden teeth, are perfect places for plaque to accumulate and are difficult to clean.
  • Cancer and its treatment, including diseases such as HIV and AIDS, reduce immunity in the body.
  • It is taking certain drugs such as phenytoin (Dilantin, Phenitec) for seizures, epilepsy, and some calcium channel-blocking pills that are used for enzymes, high blood pressure, and other cases.
  • Hormonal changes such as menstruation, pregnancy, menopause, or the use of birth control pills cause changes in hormones. The increase in hormones makes the blood vessels in the gums more exposed to bacteria and infection.
  • Genetics (this case is being investigated and researched more, but with the investigations done so far, gum diseases can be passed from parents to children.)
  • Diabetes reduces blood circulation and the ability to heal self-immunity and gums.
  • High stress weakens the body’s defense system against the attack of bacteria.

Symptoms of Gum inflammation

Redness, swelling, and bleeding in the gums are some of the symptoms that indicate a gum infection. If these symptoms persist, you should see a dentist. Prompt treatment can prevent gum disease from progressing.

Here are some signs and symptoms of gum infection:

  1. Gum swelling
  2. Gum sensitivity
  3. Bleeding while brushing or flossing
  4. Redness
  5. Gum discoloration due to lack of oxygen in the blood
  6. Receding gums
  7. Pain
  8. Bad breath
  9. Bad taste in the mouth
  10. Inflammation is a severe disease

This is where the gums pull away from the teeth, thus forming deep cavities. These cavities become infected when bacteria build up on food debris that may accumulate here.

Symptoms of Gingivitis

Specific symptoms of Gum inflammation include:

  • Removes the tooth line, making the teeth look longer.
  • Creating cavities between teeth and gums
  • Sensitivity of tooth roots
  • Plaque inside and below the tooth line
  • Stomach ulcer (sun ulcer)
  • Formation of a gap (narrow V-shaped gap) between the teeth and gums
  • Losing teeth due to damage to the periodontal ligament and alveolar bone
  • A change in the position or alignment of the teeth that affects the bite.

Gum inflammation treatment methods

If gum infection is treated early, it prevents the disease’s progression, eventually leading to wisdom tooth or periodontal gingivitis. So, if you experience any of the symptoms mentioned above, see a good dentist as soon as possible.

The treatment of gum infection includes plaque removal. Scaling and brushing are done on the teeth.

It may also be recommended to use antibiotics for gum infection to prevent the growth of bacteria and even toothpaste for gum inflammation.

It should be noted that Beach Cities Dentistry in Manhattan Beach has a significant offer for testing and screening for new patients and is done for only 79$.

If the gum infection progresses to gum inflammation, procedures such as deep root cleaning, scaling (tartar removal), and root planing may be performed. Oral antibiotics and topical antibiotic gels are also prescribed.

In severe cases, flap surgery (reducing the distance between teeth and gums), soft tissue grafting, or bone grafting may be necessary.

Now that you are familiar with gum inflammation and its leading causes and a summary of its medical treatment, it is time to learn how to prevent and treat this common and chronic problem. In other words, we want to answer, “What to do when the gums swell?” In this regard, the home remedies for lip inflammation are as follows:

Home treatment for gum inflammation

You can use home remedies if you are newly diagnosed with gum inflammation. Otherwise, after more than two weeks of gum swelling, you should immediately visit a dentist specializing in gum diseases at Beach Cities Dentistry. Thus, the primary and practical methods of home treatment of gum wind are as follows:

Mouthwash for gum inflammation

Using mouthwash to prevent gum infection, oral and dental diseases, and Gum inflammation is better. Tea is one of the medicinal plants and is the best mouthwash for gingivitis, which can be used as a herbal mouthwash for better use.

Doctors have introduced mild pale tea and salt water as natural and non-destructive mouthwashes to maintain oral and dental health. These products are compatible with the oral and dental environment and do not destroy beneficial bacteria.

In parties and places where brushing your teeth is not possible, rinsing and gargling with tea, especially after consuming sweets, chocolates, candies, and other traditional sweets that are incredibly sticky, as a preventive solution for Damaged teeth and gingivitis, is strongly recommended.

To prevent Gum inflammation in children, they should also be taught to gargle tea or salt water and mouthwash for children.

Use of salt water

Rinsing the mouth with salt water often relieves and cures Gum inflammation. Thus, mix a teaspoon of salt with 8 ounces of lukewarm water. After that, rinse the mouth with this solution for 30 seconds and pour the water out (do not swallow). Doing this two to three times daily will disinfect the oral cavity and gum tissue, and gum swelling will disappear over time.

Using hot and cold water compresses

Experience has shown that using hot and cold water compresses two to three times daily in 5-minute intervals improves gum inflammation and reduces swelling. Always remember to put cold or warm water compresses on the swollen gums. This work accelerates the process of gingivitis relief and complete recovery.

Using hydrogen peroxide

Many scientists and experts in traditional medicine consider using hydrogen peroxide helpful in treating gum inflammation. Mix three tablespoons of 3% hydrogen peroxide with three tablespoons of water and then gargle for 30 seconds. Do this twice to three times daily and witness its favorable effects in reducing and treating gum swelling. It is recommended not to swallow the hydrogen peroxide solution, and after rinsing the mouth, throw it out completely.

Proper diet

As mentioned, malnutrition and improper food consumption cause infection and gum inflammation. Therefore, using a proper diet and consuming valuable foods such as carbohydrates, sugary substances, calcium, and vitamin C can prevent gum health from infection, bacteria, and inflammation. In this regard, increase the consumption of foods containing vitamin C, such as melons, bell peppers, strawberries, pineapples, kiwis, oranges, and healthy and pasteurized dairy products to absorb enough calcium in the body.

What pills and medicines are suitable for treating gum infections?

Antibiotics should be used to treat gum infections and periodontal diseases. Chlorhexidine mouthwash is a very effective antibiotic.


Gum inflammation is a common and straightforward disease to many people. While this disease is simple, its exacerbation causes damage to the gum tissue, loss of the jaw bone, and loose teeth. Therefore, take this chronic disease seriously and treat it immediately if you see it. In this regard, you can refer to the experts in treating gum diseases and dental implants at Beach Cities Dentistry in Manhattan Beach. You can also benefit from this collection’s specialized and quality services for thoroughly treating Gum inflammation. Please call us today to get more information, get advice, and book an appointment.

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